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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
Blogs for May - October 2014

Blogs for May - October 2014

starting a new 'chapter&' with May - hope you find this month interesting even though a bit disjointed. \n\nMore disjointing came when Mum fell in May.- a very tough month emotionally in work and in the family. But that makes it interesting spiritually too. Slowly trying to get back up to date.\nAugust now. still a week behind. Much time going into a resource for Peace and Conflict, looking at Gaza - my thoughts and prayers are with all affected by war in this troubled time. Aug 5th part 1 good for RE - reflecting on Peace Concert pilgrimage in 1985
Using Silence in Class

Using Silence in Class

Hi Guys, I'm giving a workshop on this topic at a Teachmeet next week and they asked for resources that could be shared by participants afterwards.\nI have tried to think the subject through onto a Power Point and this is the result. I think it will be helpful and as always would love some feedback. \nI would use Tyger Tyger shining bright and selected poems and texts from different cultural and religious sources. So please send me a pm with some of those you find insightful.\nThanks\nLove and Peace DurgaMata
Spirituality, What is it?

Spirituality, What is it?

Rachel Kemp is the \nRE Coordinator working in several Primary Schools in Manchester. She is well-known for her passion for exploring the spiritual aspect of life and her skill with engaging children of all ages with this elusive subject.\n\nHere Rachel shares some recent work done with year 6 pupils about the subject of spirituality. \n\nThis resource is being created by Rachel Kemp in collaboration with DurgaMata at Blue Lotus Enterprises.
The Parabe of the Sheep and the Goats - InterFaith

The Parabe of the Sheep and the Goats - InterFaith

This is a Power Point slide-show which explores the Parabe of the Sheep and the Goats in some depth, looking at examples of people who have devoted their lives to helping others.\n\nThere are reflective activities and exercises which engage with and explore forgiveness and self-giving in an experiential way. The extended version includes visualisations and a memorial\n\nI conclude with an overview of my approach to teaching RE and some tips on how to avoid pitfalls and make the subject real and alive.\n\nIn process
Christian Diversity and Life after Death

Christian Diversity and Life after Death

This is also good for Post 16\n\nPart 1 = overview of Christianity\nPart 2 = three 'Christnn perspectives&' to aid understanding of what Christians are really like.\nThe Poster-information-sheets in bothPublisher and PDF \nChristian beliefs - Part 1 + 2 of a series by Emma Newby, adapted to give more insight into the diversity of Christian interpretation and belief.\nFiles of Bible References.\nThree files on interpretation of The Book of Revelation - extension work / Post 16\nPPt Slide-show on Parable of Sheep and Goats includes interfaith reflections.
Islam, Salah, Prayer, Wonder, Awe, Worship, Faith

Islam, Salah, Prayer, Wonder, Awe, Worship, Faith

This began with a question - how to teach Salah to year 7's. I was haunted by this topic and added more until it ended up as this resource.\n\nThe main file covers everything but from it I&'ve created a worksheet for the initial part of the lesson and an information sheet on the exploraton of Wonder, Awe and the God Question which I feel is essential to address in a &';religiously neutral' way before any consideration of prayer or worship.I welcome feedback. \nLove and Peace - DurgaMata
SMART Targets in RE and the Catholic Survey

SMART Targets in RE and the Catholic Survey

In response to a question about the use of SMART targets in RE, some ideas plus, in relation to one - to reduce the use of unqualified generalisations - some info about Pope Francis' survey of Catholics worldwide which highlights the diversity of belief even within one denomination of Christianity.
A resource in process about the attack on the Sikh

A resource in process about the attack on the Sikh

this is a resource in process, but because it will be good if more people work on it than me - and because, inspired by some videos which my friends brought to my attention I would like to meet people who would be interested in creating some great interfaith discussion videos - I am making it available here at this early stage. \nTrue this is not a worksheet or power-point but different articles on an important RE topic, selected over a period of more than a week, is a very useful start. Love and Peace DurgaMata
Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer/Inter-Faith

Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer/Inter-Faith

Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer - readings from the Guardian Obit... 'his universalist focus continued to result in wonderful works, such as the mass Sollemnitas in Conceptione Immaculata Beatae Mariae Virginis and the Requiem... Drawing its texts from Sufi poetry, the Catholic Mass, the Koran and Hindu words from the Upanishad, Tavener explained that 'the essence of the Requiem is contained in the words &'Our glory lies where we cease to exist&';'... a story about a 'journey' and becoming 'one with God'.
readings on Caste System and the oneness of God

readings on Caste System and the oneness of God

responding to a great video about an Indian who is caring for the destitute - https://www.facebook.com/groups/212329012138235/permalink/598115910226208/#!/photo.php?v=754295981250483&set=vb.326280940802638étype=2étheater\nand responding to his mention that some Brahmins criticise him.
Interfaith Slide-Show

Interfaith Slide-Show

This is a ppt slide show which combines inspiring images and texts which share and celebrate the wisdom found in many different cultures and religions around the world. Texts explore and reflect on many aspects of life and look for common threads in the teachings of many different religions. There is a focus on peace and overcoming conflict - as well as a celebration of the beauty and wonder of life and the universe. thanks for comments. I will add the music I use if possible.
ego / nafs - what this is and how to transform it.

ego / nafs - what this is and how to transform it.

A selection of readings from different cultures and religions. The ego is limited. To achieve spiritual progress we need to feel the whole world as our own and all people as members of our family. This requires the limited ego (which separates and divides us from others) to be transformed into the 'divine ego&' which feels that the entire world is part of our own existence...
Blog for November 2013 - spring 2014

Blog for November 2013 - spring 2014

2 Dec (1) - Nov 28 (2) - 29th (Ma's birthday.) Both with photos\n13 - 16 Dec our Nelson Mandela prog, \n17 - 21st bit from Deepak Chopra and Christmas Day Radio\n26- 28th - daughter in India + Chopra insights on relationships.\nJan 7th, update, family, Chrisn/Muslm orgs working with ex-gang-Members\n14th work + half-milliion mark\n15 - 19 Jan inc sponsors for son? and &'tummy trouble.&'; 9th Feb hospital and poems. 13th - 20th Feb inc photos \n23rd a long blog inc resource on Sala/God interfaith events + photos + poems.\nMarch 14-18 includes bits from Liverpool RE Confrnc 18 - 21 new job?
RE - should the name be changed? current issues

RE - should the name be changed? current issues

The main document comes from a thread on Save RE, responding to a website which calls for the subject Religious Education to be renamed. I disagree and set out my views here. I answer others who comment on this. \nAlongside this I include some articles. In the first document - three articles from the BBC website. 1) from July 2013 when Mr Gove admitted how his policies harm RE. 2) Ofsteds report, criticising the quality of RE. 3) refers to the current report by the Religious Education Council - on a suggested Curriculum content for RE.
The Holy Land. An Introduction to Christianity.

The Holy Land. An Introduction to Christianity.

This is a lesson plan for introducing Christianity and the Holy Land. It includes an overview of the history of Europe - with particular attention to the Holy Land - from the 21st Century back to the building of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. \n\nI aim to create a Power Point to go with this plan.
Religion in the News / Moral Issues

Religion in the News / Moral Issues

1) an article relating to racism and religious intolerance. \n2) about the Royal Christening/Baptism a compilation of articles and comments about them.\n3) about spirituality being on the rise despite a decline in religious practice. \n4) doing Church without God. A new atheist/secular movement bases its meetings on traditional church services.\n5) Mo Ansar and Tommy of the EDL + documentary-link.\nI would appreciate any suggestions which you may find - to make this resource stronger and more useful.
The Problem of Evil and posters to aid reflection

The Problem of Evil and posters to aid reflection

A video shared on an RE Forum with my thoughts on the matter - ideas to stimulate thought and discussion.\n\nalso links to more videos. I plan to add to this and create some activities to go with these resources.\n\nsome pictures to print out as posters to encourage thought and reflection on this subject.
Poverty, Hunger and Food Banks in the UK 2013 -

Poverty, Hunger and Food Banks in the UK 2013 -

This is a collection of articles and an interview about this important topic that is affecting more and more people in our nation. \n\nThe recession is supposed to be over but Red Cross surveys show that in Europe many more people are trapped in poverty and a recent survey revealed that in the UK the use of Food Banks has tripled since April, caused in a large part by changes to the Benefits System and the introduction of the Bedroom Tax.
Key Words for learning and revision - a game

Key Words for learning and revision - a game

This resource is in process. There is an outline describing how to play the game, a blank table in which you or your pupils can suggest Key Words to include, a page of Key Words to begin with (1A) and an outline of the 1B table which will give meanings to the words in 1A. \n\nWhat is best about this game is that 'wrong&' answers are encouraged. Those who know the answer can think about the key words they are holding and try to link them with the meaning given.
Blog for July/August 2013

Blog for July/August 2013

1 kittens, Joy Weekend\n2 Ipswich weekend inc photos Indian Independence Day.\nThird = Facing History Seminar (re Holocaust) \nBlogs from 20th August to 4th September - the Spiritual Festival in New York. a bit unusual.\n6th Sep - back home kittens celibacy and God Realisation. 7th (with pics) of my spiritual Teacher.\n9th - reflections on wealth and oneness.\n11th Birmingham Expedition and chocolate. \n13th house-share tensions. Posters for the Concert\n25th catch up on postering news and an interview\n2nd Oct. Postering + people in Birmingham\n11th Oct (from 4th) preparing for the concert